Account GLOBAL-4
WTS Nikke GoV account
GLOBAL server
Single login level infinite pass with dummy gmail. Willing to give all data to secure the acc.
original owner
Normal Campaign 20-27
Hard Campaign 5-2
Tower Floor 124/60/60/60/39
Rookie Arena Rank 24
SP arena Diamond 9
Outpost Defense Lv.121
3 MLB SSR Nikkes: Rapunzel:PG + Milk + Liter/Ludmilla (with spare body ssr selector)
3 LB2 SSR Nikkes: Liter + Ludmilla + Quiry
49 SSR Nikke
Non-Pilgrim Notable Units: Tia + Naga + Moran + Blanc + Noir + Jackal + D:KW
8 Pilgrim/Over Spec: Cinderella + Crown + Rapunzel:PG + Snow White:ID + Rapunzel + Red Hood + Isabel + Rapi:RH
2 limited SSR nikkes: Maiden:IR + Ludmilla:WO
2 costume: Rapi + Red Hood
Best Squad power is 99.625
liberation guilty 3120/3600
1 X 2025 New year SSR selector
1 X SSR Nikkes Spare Body selection Box
2 X Synchro expansion
7 recruit voucher
33 advanced recruit voucher
100 Silver mileage ticket
53.652 Gems (worth 179 summons)
Will be played until sold
message me if u need more screenshots or details of the acc
[GLB]Akun Nikke Goddess of Victory 49 SSR 2 limit 8 pilgrim +53.7k gem
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