Apartment Type Studio
Lokasi: Grand Emerald Apartment atau cari di google map "GV21 Property at Grand Emerald Apartment"
Ukuran: 21 M2 semi gross
Kondisi: Fully Furnished – Water Heater, AC, TV Flat, TV cable, refrigerator, kitchen set, Spring Bed, Lemari Pakaian, Dispenser, etc
Facility: Gratis Gym, Swimming Pool, & TV Cable. Ada gedung parkir (mobil), security 24 hour, CCTV, minimart 24 jam, foodcourt, coin laundry, facilities in service area, etc
Area Sekitar: Dekat dengan Mall Kelapa Gading, Gading Pluit Hospital, St. Yakobus School, etc
Additional Info: Places around:
Kelapa Gading Mall (MKG) (+/- 5 minutes)
MOI (Mall of Indonesia) (+/- 15 minutes)
Mall Artha Gading (+/- 15 minutes)
Nearby National & International School
RS Gading Pluit (+/- 10 minutes)
RS Mitra Keluarga (+/- 10 minutes)
Nearby Various Cullinary at Kelapa Gading
Multiple road access to strategic places
Harga sewa
Sewa Bulanan
Bulan pertama Rp.3.juta
Bulan ke 2 dst Rp.2,75 juta
Sewa langsung 3 bulan Rp.7,5 juta
Sewa langsung 6 bulan Rp.14 juta
Sewa langsung 1 tahun Rp.26 juta
Catatan: Harga sewa belum termaasuk biaya maintenance (IPL), dan tagihan pemakaian listrik & air
Contact Person Teguh (nomor whatsapp sama dengan nomor yang tertera)
Promo Type Studio ada Water Heater utk Bulanan Tahunan - Grand Emerald
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